No. 072 Special Affairs Organization 特務機構
A Few Days Ago | Aoi Ward | Government Building | SIU Office
△Heita Takemiya
He's behind bars for stabbing a yakuza.
Maybe he's nothing but a two-bit gangster, but…
He's the only real family I have.
△Shikishima Industries
It’s that company with all those commercials for TVs and fridges.
So they're making weapons too?
△Special Investigations Unit
That damn four-eyes…
He says they're some spy agency. It’s short for Special Investigations Unit.
They may not be cops…
But they're honestly all the same to me.
刑事: 連れてきました
Heizo Onishi: Found her.
Go on, then.
謎の男: 待ってたよ
彼女と 二人で話したい
Mysterious Man: I've been waiting for you.
You're dismissed.
I’d like to speak with her alone.
謎の男: 鷹宮由貴、16歳
鈴ヶ峰女子 高等学校1年
男子校に乗り込んで 不良生徒数十名と乱闘
Mysterious Man: Yuki Takamiya. 16 years old.
A first-year at Suzugamine Girls’ High School.
Enterd a boys’ school and engaged multiple delinquents…
…Twelve of which were sent to the hospital.
Your reputation precedes you.
鷹宮由貴: 苦栗工業にお礼参り してるところに
マッポがかぎつけて きやがったんだ…
Yuki Takamiya: I went to Nigakuri to settle a score.
And somehow the cops managed to sniff me out…
One of those dicks must’ve snitched.
△Hospitalization→Tetsuya Ida
鷹宮由貴: 苦工の奴ら 死にはしなかったかい?
Yuki Takamiya: Any of those Kuri boys end up dead?
謎の男: 骨折が三人 他は打撲と軽傷だ
Mysterious Man: Three had bone fractures. The others, just buries and scrapes.
鷹宮由貴: …そりゃ残念だ
Yuki Takamiya: That’s too bad.
謎の男: ふむ…
Mysterious Man: Hm…
鷹宮由貴: なんだよ
あいつらが仲間に 手出ししやがるから
ケジメつけ させただけだ
あんたら大人にゃ 関係ねぇ話さ
Yuki Takamiya: Got something to say?
they're the ones who laid their filthy hands on my friend.
All I did was give ‘em what they had coming.
None of your damn business anyways.
鷹宮由貴: 留置所からわざわざ 引っ張り出して
煮るなり焼くなり 好きなようにしろよ
謎の男: まあそう自棄になるな
Mysterious Man:
鷹宮由貴: …
Yuki Takamiya: …
謎の男: ずいぶん 警戒されてるな
Mysterious Man: You seem a little tense.
謎の男: 簡潔に言おう
君のその 腕っ節を借りたい
我々に 協力してほしい
Mysterious Man: Allow me to get to the point.
We’ve taken notice of your particular set of… skills.
We’d like to work with you.
鷹宮由貴: はあ?
Yuki Takamiya: Seriously?
×Mysterious Man
鷹宮由貴: 協力ってのは ダチを売れってのか?
Yuki Takamiya: And by that you mean selling out my friends?
謎の男: 協力する気は なさそうだな
Mysterious Man:
鷹宮由貴: 誰がマッポの手先なんか になるかよ
Yuki Takamiya: I'm not gonna be your stooge, and I don’t work with cops.
Go find some other sucker.
謎の男: 君の父親 鷹宮平太は
暴力団員を刺殺して 現在実刑で服役中だね
Mysterious Man: Your father, Heita Takamiya.
Currently serving a sentence for the murder of a gang member.
鷹宮由貴: それがなんだよ
Yuki Takamiya: Yeah, so what?
謎の男: 刑務所内で受刑者に 命を狙われている
刺されたのは 暴力団幹部だ
彼らの面子も あるんだろうね
未遂だがすでに 2回襲われている
Mysterious Man: There have been attempts on his life by other inmates.
Not surprising, since the man he killed was a gang leader.
I imagine it’s a matter of reputation for them.
Your father has been assaulted twice, but he is alive. For now.
鷹宮由貴: …
Yuki Takamiya: …
謎の男: 我々ならば…
安全な刑務所に 移すのも可能だが
Mysterious Man: Now, if we were so inclined…
It would be quite easy to transfer him to a safer facility.
Contingent on your cooperation, of course.
鷹宮由貴: やり方が きたねえな…
Yuki Takamiya: God, I hate you already.
謎の男: 聞きなさい
Mysterious Man:
謎の男: 敷島重工業を 知っているかね
手広く造っている 上場企業だ
その敷島重工が秘密裏に 兵器を開発している
某国の核兵器開発に 加担している可能性が高い
Mysterious Man: Are you familiar with Shikishima Industries?
Publicly, they manufacture a wide range of products.
Rockets, planes, trains, ships― even home appliances.
Not so publicly, it seems they're also developing nuclear weapons.
We suspect they are colluding with another nation to do so.
鷹宮由貴: それがあたしと 何の関係があるんだ
Yuki Takamiya: And what does that have to do with me?
謎の男: 調査を続けた結果
兵器の開発に関与する 子供数人の存在が挙がった
敷島の息のかかった 学校に集められている
Mysterious Man: We began investigating…
And found that several minors are connected to these weapons.
All of these children are of high school age.
And are being rounded up at a school affiliated with Shikishima.
×Tetsuya Ida
謎の男: 具体的な仕事の 説明をする前に
何か質問は あるかね
Mysterious Man: Before we get into the specifics of the job…
Do you have any questions for me?
△Shikishima Industries→Tetsuya Ida
鷹宮由貴: そこまで わかってるなら
シキシマに踏み込みゃ いいじゃねえか
Yuki Takamiya: If you bastards got that much dirt on them…
Why don’t you just bust into Shikishima yourselves?
謎の男: 表沙汰に なるのは困る
この件に警察も 関わらせたくない
Mysterious Man: We’d prefer not to have this public.
And the less the police are involved, the better.
鷹宮由貴: マッポとは違うなら あんたら何モンだ?
Yuki Takamiya: Wait. If you're not the cops, the who the hell are you guys?
謎の男: 特殊法人の 情報特務機構
私は特機の理事長で 君のボスになる
Mysterious Man: We are a special investigations unit.
Government-established and affiliated. Some might call us spies.
I am director of the SIU. And your superior.
△Weapons and Children
鷹宮由貴: 子供に核爆弾でも 作らせてるってのか?
バカバカしい… つきあってられねえ
Yuki Takamiya: So they’re using kids to make nuclear weapons?
This shit sounds ridiculous.
△Weapons and Children→Tetsuya Ida
鷹宮由貴: 兵器作るのに
なんで子供が 出てくるんだ?
Yuki Takamiya: All right, so they're making weapons.
But what do these kids have to do with it?
特機理事長: 興味を持って くれたようだね
机の上の資料を 見てくれたまえ
SIU Chief: I'm glad to see I've piqued your interest.
Take a look at those documents on the table.
It’s a list of their names.
×Check Documents
鷹宮由貴: …
1年B組 冬坂五百里
2年A組 郷登蓮也…
1年… 如月…鞍部…
1年C組… …南…奈津乃?
Yuki Takamiya: …
Class 1-B, Iori Fuyusaka.
Class 2-A, Renya Gouto.
More class 1… Kisaragi… Kurabe…
Class 1-C… Natsuno Minami?
特機理事長: その子供たちを 調査するのが
君の仕事だ 鷹宮由貴
SIU Chief: We need someone to investigate these students.
And that someone is you, Yuki Takamiya.
鷹宮由貴: なんで…
Yuki Takamiya: Nat-chan…
But why her?
東雲諒子: …
Ryoko Shinonome: …
鷹宮由貴: …そいつは?
Yuki Takamiya: Who’s this?
特機理事長: 紹介しておこう
彼女も潜入捜査員 君の先輩だな
まずは 彼女と同様に
咲良高校へ 移ってもらう
転校の手続きは こちらで処理しておく
SIU Chief: Allow me to introduce you.
This is Ryoko Shinonome.
She is another undercover investigator. And your superior.
Just as she did…
You will transferring to Sakura High School.
We’ll handle the paperwork.
You will transferring to Sakura High School. は You will be transferring では?
鷹宮由貴: 勝手に決めんな
まだやるなんて 言ってない
Yuki Takamiya: Hey, pump your breaks ya old man!
I haven't agreed to any of this shit yet.
×Tetsuya Ida
特機理事長: 難しい人ですね
SIU Chief: You have quite the abrasive personality.
×Ryoko Shinonome
鷹宮由貴: あんたも弱み 握られてんのか
Yuki Takamiya: They got dirt on you too, dopey?
東雲諒子: この娘が例の?
Ryoko Shinonome: Is she the one?
特機理事長: そうだ
SIU Chief: Yes, she is.
鷹宮由貴: オイ無視するな
Yuki Takamiya: Hey, I'm talking to you!
東雲諒子: この様子じゃ 何も知らないのね
Ryoko Shinonome: She doesn’t look like she knows much.
×Ryoko Shinonome
鷹宮由貴: …なんだか 腹立つ女だな
Yuki Takamiya: I can already tell I'm not gonna like you.
東雲諒子: …
Ryoko Shinonome: …
Exit Room
特機理事長: 何処へ行く気だ
SIU Chief: We’re not finished.
鷹宮由貴: …
Yuki Takamiya: …
特機理事長: やってくれるね
SIU Chief: Do you accept your assignment?
鷹宮由貴: …あたしの 知ったことか
Yuki Takamiya: I don’t give a shit about your assignment.
東雲諒子: 彼女…
協力させるのは 無理じゃないですか?
Ryoko Shinonome: Well, then.
I think it’s safe to say we’re not getting through to her.
特機理事長: そうでもない 彼女は協力するよ
SIU Chief: Don’t worry. She will work with us.
It’s her destiny, after all.